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Asians Would Have Been 5 Times More Advanced Than Today

To any Asian who read this message : Do not be friendly towards any westerner because history have proven that westerner keep hurting us Asians since the past to this day when you read this message. Starting with the westerners 3G [ gold, glory, gospel ] colonization towards many of our Asian countries when those western plunder countless of our natural resource which those westerner call as their "gold", raped and killed tenth millions of our fellow Asians which those westerner call as their "glory" and forcing their religion to us Asians which those westerner call as their "gospel" We Asians would have already been 5 times more advanced than today if those evil westerner not keep invading us Asians for hundreds of years!

投稿日:2009-06-27 15:24:05
PV:49  コメ:1  マイリス:0

Asians 5 Times More Advanced